GMK Striker

GMK Striker

Obtained on: June 17, 2019 | Currently own

Originally called GMK Blue Samurai, GMK Striker is a set based around the Japanese National Football team. While I am not a fan of icon + text mods, the blue on this set is striking (pun intended) and the RAMA Hinomaru keycap is a cherry on top (another intended pun).

This set has become popular ever since Twitch streamer Tfue showcased his custom made $3,500 keyboard which featured Novelkeys cream switches and GMK Striker keycaps.

Kits I own(ed)

  • Core
  • Forties & split
  • RAMA Hinomaru
  • GMK Striker on nightmare 3d printed board with GinTama metal keycap
    GMK Striker on nightmare board with GinTama keycap
    Right side angle of GMK Striker on nightmare 3d printed board
    GMK Striker on nightmare board
    GMK Striker on blue Tokyo60; keyboard is on salmon colored deskmat with Japanese wave pattern
    GMK Striker on Tokyo60; deskmat: salmon bento